About Us



The Laperouse Museum was developed as a joint Franco – Australian Project, conceived by the Laperouse Association for the Australian Bicentenary, whose voluntary effort and dedication secured the investment of several million dollars in corporate and individual sponsorships to establish the Museum which was officially opened with a Deed of Gift to the People of Australia and of La Perouse on 23rd February, 1988.  Subsequently, the Laperouse Association was reconstituted as the Friends of the Laperouse Museum Inc. to maintain ongoing community support for the Museum and its activities. 

Our aims are to:

  • Increase public awareness of the Museum

  • Promote the Museum as a resource for education and research

  • Develop and support community events

  • Work cooperatively with Randwick City Council and stakeholders for the benefit of the Museum and the site

  • Seek sponsorship & fundraising opportunities to enhance the Museum’s exhibits

  • Perpetuate and further strengthen the long lasting ties between Australia and France

Minister Upton signing over the care of the La Perouse Museum to Randwick City Council.

Minister Upton signing over the care of the La Perouse Museum to Randwick City Council.

Randwick City Council signed a 42-year lease of the La Perouse Museum on Tuesday, 5 September 2017, taking over care and control of the area from the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Mayor Noel D’Souza announced.


The lease, signed by Mayor D’Souza and NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton, will also include the Macquarie Watchtower, the La Perouse Monument and the Pere Receveur Tomb, but excludes Bare Island.

Have you ever wondered who printed our brochures?

 Thank you, to the Director of DPPP Design, Print & Pre-Press Pty Ltd, Yannick Gacoin, who sponsored and printed our four brochures. These informative brochures which Yannick designed and printed free of charge for the Friends, are on display in the La Perouse Museum and freely available for visitors.

 Below is a glimpse into the life of Yannick:

 Yannick Gacoin de Kernodé, tout comme Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse est un aventurier, comme beaucoup de bretons, région dont il est originaire.

 A 17 ans il s’engage dans l’armée française, dans les troupes de Marine car c’est une arme où il a la garantie de voir du pays. Après 4 mois d’instruction à l’école des transmissions de Perpignan, il est affecté à l’île de la Réunion comme opérateur radio morse où il y passera près de deux ans.

 Des années plus tard il y retourne pour créer sa première entreprise, une copie conforme ou presque de DPPP. Il voyage dans les îles de l’océan indien, les Seychelles, Mayotte, Rodrigues, Madagascar, l’île Sainte-Marie et l’île Maurice et comme Lapérouse avec Eleonore Broudou, il se marie avec une mauricienne, Marie-Anne.

 Après avoir écumé les îles de l’océan indien pendant une autre dizaine d’années, c’est le Pacifique qui l’attire. Il vend sa compagnie à la Réunion et vient s’installer en Australie, et c’est comme ça que DPPP a commencé et travaille pour nombre de compagnies françaises dont le musée La Pérouse qui n’est pas un client mais une organisation qui lui est chère et pour qui il a réalisé et imprimé les dépliants bénévolement.

 Yannick Gacoin de Kernodé, along with Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de Lapérouse, is an adventurer like many Brittons.

 When he was 17, he signed with the French army – the Marines – because he was assured he would be deployed overseas and discover the world. After four months’ instruction at the transmissions school in Perpignan he is assigned to serve in Reunion Island as a morse code operator, where he will stay for almost two years. Some years later he goes back to this island to set up his first business: an earlier version of DPPP. He travels extensively around the islands of the Indian Ocean: the Seychelles, Mayotte, Rodrigues, Madagascar, Sainte-Marie and Mauritius and like Lapérouse with Eleonore Broudou, he marries a Mauritian girl, Marie-Anne.

 After travelling the Indian Ocean islands for 10 years, he is convinced the South Pacific is where he wants to settle. He sells his business in Reunion Island and moves to Australia where he starts DPPP. He works for a number of French companies there and then the La Pérouse Museum which, while not a client, is an organisation which he cares for and for which he has designed and printed several flyers.

 To contact Yannick for all your printing:

 DPPP Design, Print & Pre-Press Pty Ltd

Since 1996 I  ABN 67 086 439 670

PO Box 739 - Cotton Tree QLD 4558

PO Box 271 - Potts Point NSW 1335

Tel. +61 7 5373 6166 - Mob  +61 (0) 4 1768 2411


